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La Pegatina


Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


"Eureka!" La Pegatina's fourth album

New album about to be released!! Here is the cover of the album.
"Eureka!" La Pegatina's fourth album



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  • La Pegatina said...

    11 years ago

    Tant de bo algun dia ens truqueu per venir! Una abraçada!!!

  • rafa said...

    11 years ago

    sou uns tios de puta mare , me encataria que vingereu al meu poble MUTXAMEL - ALCANT es un poble xicotet pero la gent.....es la mijor jajajja si veniu pleneu en concert de gent fins a dalt. Molta merdaa en la giraa!!!