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La Pegatina

Lloverá y yo veré TOUR 2014

Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


Ingelmunster (BE)
Labadoux 2014

Zona: Belgium

Website: www.labadoux.be


People going

Lloverá y yo veré TOUR 2014



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  • Mileen said...

    10 years ago

    I'll be there anyway!! The closer venues are months away, and obviously I can't wait that long!

  • La Pegatina said...

    10 years ago

    We don't know it yet! Next week we'll know!

  • Mileen said...

    10 years ago

    Hola! How long will you play at this festival? it's kind of a long drive for me, but would love to see you again some time soon and PARTYYYY ;)